07733 140280
Working With You
For Better Days

Public Speaking
Contact me for a quote, no limit on audience size, plus travel and accommodation expenses if required. Setting up, packing up and provision of Powerpoint and resources by email all included in the price.
Training Sessions for Professionals
£150 per hour of virtual or F2F workshop/presentation/webinar for up to 200 delegates, plus travel and accommodation expenses if required. Setting up, packing up and provision of Powerpoint and resources by email all included in the price.
Professional Consultations
£150 per hour
​Currently unavailable due to full caseload.
Parent and Carer Workshops
£150 per hour of virtual or F2F workshop/presentation/webinar for up to 200 delegates, plus travel and accommodation expenses if required. Setting up, packing up and provision of Powerpoint and resources by email all included in the price.
Family Consultations
Currently unavailable due to full caseload.